IRB Committee
Amar Jyoti Institutional Review Board
Amar Jyoti Institutional Review Board has been established in accordance with guidelines mandated by the Indian Council of Medical Research. The review board reviews all proposed research involving human subjects in order to ensure that subjects’ rights and welfare are adequately protected. To safeguard the rights of the participants, the board reviews the proposed research protocols prior to initiation of the projects and then regularly monitors the approved protocols.
The review board comprises of a team which is multidisciplinary in composition. If required, subject experts will be invited to offer their expertise. The board ensures that a scientific evaluation has been completed before ethical review is taken up. It, importantly, evaluates the possible risks to the participants, expected benefits and adequacy of documentation for ensuring privacy, confidentiality and justice issues.
All research activities involving human subjects, whether government funded, privately funded or non-funded, not limited to, dissertations, master’s thesis, pilot studies are reviewed and approved by the review board a priori, if the proposed research is sponsored by the organization and / or research is conducted by or under the direction of any employee (e.g. faculty member, researcher or student) or research is conducted by or under the direction of any employee using the organization’s property or facility.